Useful resources

Read: Irishman's Diary, by Frank McNally, Irish Times 1 July 2008

Darwin 200 UK Celebrations:
Darwin UK Celebrations

Teachers Resources at the London Natural History Museum:
London Natural History Museum

BBC Darwin Schedule 

BBC linkLink to BBC Darwin

The works of Charles Darwin published and unpublished are available Online: 

darwin online logo

Resources for Schools

Evolution Megalab

A European-wide citizen science project looking for evidence of evolution in populations of banded snails. The public are asked to visit http://www.evolutionmegalab.org/ to learn about banded snails and to observe and record them.  

Survival Rivals

Supported by the Wellcome Trust this site has terrific darwin related activities to do in school, or at home!

Schools throughout the UK are getting free kits from the Wellcome Trust, so schools in NI will be able to proceed immediately. However, schools in the ROI will also be able to do these projects as eth materials are easily obtained. See http://survivalrivals.org/